Lisa Shulman’s collection of poems. Fragile Bones, Fierce Heart, is exquisite. If there were two words to describe it, they would be fearless beauty. The poems are a testament to the fact that even though we are in times of great political upheaval, climate crises and violence at home and abroad, if we step back and look, really look, we will always find that glimmer of hope behind a curtain of despair that many of us are feeling. And that is the gift that Lisa Shulman leaves us with, the beauty and hope that allow us to remember our resilience and resistance.
–Margo Perin, author of Plexiglass and The Opposite of Hollywood
Fragile Bones, Fierce Heart is a treasure trove of poems that invite multiple readings, enticing you over and over again.
–Fran Claggett-Holland, Poet, teacher, educational consultant
Lisa Shulman is a poet, children’s book author, and teacher. Her recent work weaves together observations on nature and the human experience, exploring such topics as climate change, social justice, grief and hope. Lisa has led writing workshops for both children and adults, and currently teaches poetry with California Poets in the Schools.
Published in The New Verse News
Published in Catamaran Literary Reader
Published in KYSO Flash, and the Best Small Fictions 2020
Published in MacQueen's Quinterly
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